Monday, April 24, 2006

Yellow Magnetic Ribbons

If there is one thing that make me want to break my foot off in someone's ass it is being cut off in traffic, especially considering that more then half the time it is by one of those assholes with the yellow magnetic ribbons on the back of their cars. Which brings me to my point; it is not patriotic to slap one of those on your car.

You support the troops? Do you send them Kevlar vests and canned food? Are you sending them your money? Or are you fighting to bring them home from an illegal and immoral war?

No? Then how are you supporting them, are you a jockstrap?

Patriotism is standing up for the Constitution, the Amendments, and for what is right for both you and your countrymen. It is not blindly following some rich bitch kid who plays cowboy and sodomizes the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th Amendments.

Patriotism is not looking the other way while your government is torturing innocent men, or completely ignoring the law.

Patriotism is not making excuses for an arrogant President who thinks he doesn't need to follow the protocol of FISA.

Patriotism is not waving your flag like a moron and accepting the newest justification for why we pre-emptively invaded Iraq without blinking.

Patriotism is not blind faith and absolutism, that is nationalism, and that is what made it possible for Germany to follow a madman like Hitler.

So please, for the love of America, stop calling yourself patriots you kool-aid drinking followers of Bush. And take that sticker you have so conveniently turned sideways to look like an ixoye (Jesus Fish) and stuff it up your incredibly anal retentive ass. We don't need your attempts of Intertwining Religion and State, a major point of fascism.

What we need right now are patriots, not nationalists... Though you may waive your flag with veracity, shed tears every time you hear "Proud to be an American," and wear jingoistic T-shirts declaring your patriotism; I am not buying it... Nationalist.

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