As an added bonus they allow you to submit your own personal message to Congress, the following is a copy of mine:
If congress passes this law it will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that congress, as a collective whole is beholden to corporations and not the citizenry of the United States of America.
In essence, those who vote in favor of this bill are voting to squelch the dissemination of information, and by extension voting to squelch the first amendment.
If votes are truly what members of congress desire, it would then behoove them to remember just who they are supposed to be representing. For just as we the people gave our representatives the power they wield, we can just as easily take it away.
So, let me ask you a question directly.
Congressmen, ask yourselves this: what good is a lobbyist to an ex-congressman? Consider this when you vote, for as much as we don't want to pull the rug from underneath you, we will if we see you are leaving tracks of canine excrement on it from outside.
For those who don't speak it, that is Buckenese for fuck you.
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