Sunday, April 30, 2006

Troll Talk: State Sponsored Terrorism

Some fat ignorant piece of dogshit wrote:

And what exactly does the plans of an adminstration almost 45 years ago have to do with what the current one is planning? are you saying anynone can plan to kill and defraud anyone? OMFG what a shocker that is, duh!!

i suppose you are a member of the second shooter on the grassy knoll club?

Buck thoroughly retorted:

First of all the Kennedy Administration rejected the Joint Chiefs of Staff's proposal otherwise known Operation Northwoods. Of course you would have known this had you actually read the damn article.

Second, I was using that as an example that certain factions within the upper echelons of government have in the past planned state sponsored terrorist attacks so it isn't beyond the pale to suggest that your government may have partaken in state sponsored terrorism.

Third, you stating "are you saying anynone can plan to kill and defraud anyone? OMFG what a shocker that is, duh!!" is a strawman argument and an extremely limited oversimplification if not outright fabrication of my original point; not to mention I have more intellect in one of my ass hairs then you have in that thick skull of yours. So don't "duh!!" me doughboy, you don't have the wit to even attempt to speak in a condescending manner to me.

Fourth, try viewing the Zapruder film and then tell me how it is possible that Kennedy's head could be knocked backward, blowing the front part of his head off, from a book repository that was behind him?

I suppose you are a member of Arlen Spector's Magic Bullet club? Or are you just a member of the I can't find my fucking shift key club?


1 comment:

Veggivore said...

Single shooter. No magic bullet. Recent forensics have proven, or at least made this make sense.

Of course they had enough time to fabricate this theory. Ooooh, creepy, it never ends.